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green News
5 September 2010
10 February 2010
08 January 2010
Warmer Climate Could Stifle Carbon Uptake by Trees, Study Finds. …
1.1 Principles
The Indian National Green Party are committed to four pillars of
Green Economics:
1.1.1 Ecological Integrity
The Indian National Green Party affirm the inherent worth and
interconnectedness of all living things. Biodiversity is an
essential component of human welfare, yielding both utilitarian
and existence values. The intrinsic value of biodiversity, in
its own right, is also emphasised by the Indian National Green
Society needs to uncouple the traditional relationship between
economic growth and increased resource use, so that irreparable
damage to nature is avoided and the depletion of the natural
resource base is slowed. The impact of economic activity must be
kept within environmental limits, particularly the capacity of
ecosystems to process wastes. Integration of economic, social
and environmental imperatives must replace the narrow pursuit of
economic growth as currently defined. Many environmental
problems are global in scale, therefore the maintenance of
ecological integrity requires the adoption of a global
1.1.2 Equity
Social responsibility implies that people should contribute in
proportion to their ability and resources, and that the
community should ensure that no-one is forced to go without the
necessities of life. The phasing out of unsustainable activities
should not further deprive people who do not have sufficient
means to live. These responsibilities apply at the individual,
local, national and international levels.
In ensuring equity within the current generation, we must treat
future generations equitably. This implies solidarity with
deprived groups in our country as well as with disadvantaged
countries and nations elsewhere. It also implies solidarity with
future generations. Each generation should receive an endowment
of social and environmental assets that allows for human needs
to be met and development options to be pursued. Because the
negative consequences of human activity on the ability of future
generations to meet their needs are not fully understood, the
precautionary principle should become an important
decision-making tool.
1.1.3 Empowerment and Choice
Social, political and economic institutions must allow
individuals and communities to determine their own priorities,
while ensuring that we have the ability - as a wider community -
to meet our national and international obligations.
The Indian National Green Party also recognise that the market
does not provide sufficient tools for informed rational choice
which would maintain a long term perspective and lead to
equitable outcomes.
1.1.4 Caring and Cooperation
The fulfilment of human potential and the enrichment of lives
are best achieved by people living and working together, and
guided by common goals. These goals should respect and enhance
the integrity and diversity of human and ecological communities
and recognise their global linkages.
Economic activity involves the cooperation of many different
individuals and groups in the production, distribution and
consumption of a wide range of goods and services. The focus of
activity should be on cooperation and opportunities for mutual
benefits, rather than on competition and control that typically
benefit powerful minorities. Cooperative principles should also
apply to the protection and management of the global commons and
1.1.5 Provision of Services by the Public Sector
The Indian National Green Party believe that a strong public
sector is a prerequisite for a healthy civil society and that
some services, because of the community service obligations
required of them and the essential nature of the services,
should be undertaken by public sector agencies. Ownership by the
government does not preclude some such agencies being run on a
corporatised basis, but does mean that fulfilling of community
service obligations may mean that their profits would not be as
great as they would be without such obligations. This reduced
revenue is accepted as a necessary cost in a civil and equitable
society. These community service obligations may include
providing services at reduced rates to the disadvantaged in
society, for example, the aged or sick, and providing services
to rural and remote communities.
Such services, which are often natural monopolies because of the
efficiency of having a single or well coordinated distribution
system, include, but are not necessarily limited to, water
supplies and distribution, electricity services, employment
services, social and cultural services, phone and postal
services, education, health, judiciary, town planning,
environmental management, policing and custodial services, the
radio and television services, public transport and interstate
rail services, national parks, and defence. Of course public
services should continue to provide and to extend its services
to the public and to the government executive, with increased
public involvement in government decision making and provision
of services as an important mechanism for ensuring the
appropriateness and effectiveness of government policies and
1.2 Goals
The Indian National Green Party aim to:
(a) keep natural monopolies and other essential public services
under public ownership and re-establish such ownership as
(b) ensure the level of services in rural and remote communities
is, as far as practicable, comparable with those provided in
metropolitan areas and such as to ensure the vitality and
strengthening of rural communities and the quality of life in
those communities.
At a national level the Indian National Green Party are working
towards a sustainable society in which quality of life is
considered to be of the utmost importance. To this end, policy
priorities are:
a) better distribution of work and income;
b) a more equitable taxation system; and
c) an improved social safety net.
An imperative is the adoption of a set of policy guidelines for
the costing of environmental impacts and for the movement of the
economy towards the sustainable use of India’s renewable
The Indian National Green Party support continued public
ownership and control of public sector enterprises especially
services such as power, water and telecommunications.
At the same time, the Indian National Green Party emphasise the
importance of an international approach to addressing social and
environmental problems. Global cooperation must be directed at:
l implementing the principle of intergenerational equity in
considering social and environmental conditions;
l bringing an end to the profligate use and pollution of the
unpriced global commons (atmosphere and oceans), and scarce
resources; and
l addressing the problems of poverty and imbalance in resources.
At the same time, however, it is recognised that national
sovereignty is important in enabling effective global
1.3 Short Term Targets
The Indian National Green Party are committed to the following :
a) the abandonment of economic growth (as conventionally
measured), as the principal index of welfare, in favour of
alternative indices, to be developed and integrated at national,
state and regional level, and that regularly show:
l changes in the quality of life of the population;
l changes in the distribution of income and wealth; and
l changes in inventories and flows of environmental resources.
b) the adoption of taxation policy as a principal tool for
achieving sustainable economic development.
c) focusing on taxing natural resources (ecological taxes) as a
necessary departure from the emphasis on the taxing of incomes
and labour. These policies include :
L the internalisation of the massive external costs associated
with India’s industrial economy; and
L the need for a fair distribution of national income and
d) the targeting of spending policies to:
L meet the basic needs of all Indians;
L provide incentives for the substitution of renewables for
non-renewable resources;
L support the restructuring of industry ; and
e) that trade, and trade agreements, entered into by India, are
subject to the priorities of human welfare and ecological